Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How Did I Get Here - Part 4

Life after Retirement
I retired March 31, 2012 which seemed to surprise a lot of people, but when you look back it really shouldn't of been such a surprise.  First, having a pacemaker implanted to keep the old ticker ticking, second--a couple of unplanned surgeries and lastly the Las Vegas economy and housing market.  However, where were we going to retire with limited retirement income?  We visited my brother who lives in Missouri in November 2011, and on our way home determined that we could retire there as the cost of living was so much better for our situation.  Was it meant to be?  I think so.  The next week we looked at pictures of a home on the internet, made an offer, and closed escrow in 21 days.  We now live in a beautiful little town, Bolivar Missouri, population 10,000.  After you go through the two street lights you have just driven from one end of the town to the other.  Jan moved to our new home in January 2012 and I followed her in April.

The last six weeks before my official retirement was filled with food, food and more food.  Friends kept wanting to take me out for lunch or dinner, and members loaded me up with all of my favorites.  By the time I was ready to pack up for my drive to Missouri I had:  4 boxes of chocolate Cheerios, 3 boxes of Kellogg's Cracker Chips, 6 boxes of Skinny Cow chocolates, 27 packs of key lime pie Extra chewing gum and every size, shape and color Peep that when stacked on top of each other was over 5 feet tall.  Needless to say I left for Missouri 7 pounds over my weight goal but I wasn't worried I knew what to do about it.

Knowing what to do about it, and doing it are two different things.  When I arrived in Missouri I did three things, first, got active in church and have made some great friends.  I was convinced to join the choir and to my surprise I am enjoying it.  Second, started volunteering for an organization called Horses of Hope where young and old from 6 to 92 with physical and or mental disabilities are able to ride horses, the smiles on their faces are so gratifying,  Third, I stopped journaling and going to my Weight Watchers meeting.  I was over my weight goal but I wasn't worried about it I knew what to do.  Over the next 8 months I stopped running, I ate everything in sight (mid-west food is pretty good), I had to purchase some bigger clothes.  I was over my weight goal but I wasn't worried about it I knew what to do.  In late November we had our Christmas parade here in town, something I had never experienced, lots of tractors, homemade floats (flatbed trailers) and just about every business and organization represented in some way.  I marched in the parade representing Horses of Hope, Jan was on the sidelines taking pictures, which she posted some of them on Facebook.  There were lots of comments made on Facebook but one really hit home "Bob, it looks like your putting some weight on," thanks Joan that really hit home.  I was over my weight goal I was worried about it and I knew what to do.  The next week I went back to Weight Watchers, 30 pounds over goal, I could no longer make excuses, reality set in with Joan's comment.
You can not do it alone - Tool #1 WW Meetings

Next weeks post will be the start of my Journey Back to Goal.
Walking in the Christmas parade
Jan and our son David at the parade

Spending time with David while he was visiting
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob, I can't believe you put on 30 lbs! However, look at you, you went back to WW and are focused again. You being male, it should come right off! I am very focused, as I am getting married in May and I want to look good in my dress, but I also have about 30 lbs to go. It's a constant battle, but one thing I have really learned and I am sure you know, is you just have to be committed for life. Have you tried the new ActiveLink? I love it, it gives me lots of APs, more than I was giving myself for workouts. I too, haven't ran in a while, I developed Plantar Fasciitis in my foot and it has sidelined me. I really want to run again, I miss it and it really was my best form of workout weight control. I've been doing other workouts, but I hope to be back to running in time. I still want to get to goal, get to Lifetime, become a Leader and run a full marathon. I'll keep you posted, you'd better come here to be here when I hit my Lifetime! Miss you! Hope you're doing well! -Anya
