Thursday, January 3, 2013

How Did I Get Here - Part 1

I wanted to share with everyone why I chose to be healthy, I will be doing that in segments to get caught up to today and while I'm doing this I will also share with you some of my favorite recipes and foods.  I'm going to try to give you an update on a regular basis, so if you want to get them automatically make sure and subscribe below.  My goal in doing this is to hopefully help you choose a healthy lifestyle or maintain the one you have.

About 13 years ago I went to the doctor as I wasn't feeling good so he did a complete physical and blood work up and on my return for the follow up he told me that my cholesterol was 495, triglycerides were 1,960 and that my blood pressure was extremely high.  He promptly put me on 9 different medications and vitamins and told me to loose weight immediately so I tried several different ways to loose weight including a soup diet, cabbage diet, chocolate diet (that was fun), high carb diet, low or no carb diet, I even drank a special liquid program before I went to sleep and was suppose to loose weight while I slept.  Now I must tell you that I lost weight with them, some more than others, but when I started eating normal again all my weight came back if not more as I did nothing to really change my lifestyle,  After a couple years of yo-yo dieting my wife Jan ( a Weight Watchers lifetime member) saw how frustrated I was and said to me "come join Weight Watchers", that was my life changing moment, I did and I discarded 76.2 pounds.

Next segment, the story of those 76.2 pounds.

Vacationing in France working hard to get those unbelievably high lab results.  I ate my way through Europe.

DIET, a nasty four letter word


  1. I miss hearing that story on Saturday mornings! You are very inspiring!

  2. YAY BOB! I miss you!

    I'm so excited to read your blog!!!!!

  3. I'm so excited to see this! My weight came off from chemo for my Lupus. Almost 60 pounds since I met y'all Oct 2011. However it came off I'm planning on keeping it off! Much love and success Bob ;)

  4. Going to enjoy your blog so much. Miss your meetings.

  5. Congratulations! I'm glad to see you on track and it is a reminder to me what needs to be done in my journey. Thanks for doing this. As always you continue to inspire!
