Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Journey Back to Goal

Working My Way Back to Goal
The first thing I needed to do was to get back to Weight Watchers, I attended my first meeting on December 4, 2012 and the following is how the scale has treated me:
Week #         Date         Lbs Lost        Total Loss 
     1           12/11/12           6.0                   6.0
     2           12/18/12           2.4                   8.4
     3           12/25/12           No Meeting                      
     4           01/01/13           5.0                 13.4
     5           01/08/13           1.0                 14.4
     6           01/15/13           2.4                 16.8
     7           01/22/13           1.0                 17.8
     8           01/29/13           1.2                 19.0
You'll notice that there was no meeting on Christmas day, however, there was a meeting on New Years day.  We were given the opportunity to vote on whether we wanted a meeting on January 1st or not, it was a resounding yes.  In addition to having the holidays during this eight week period it was also my anniversary, Jan and I have been married for 44 years and we celebrated with a really nice meal (BBQ).  Thank goodness for my weekly Points Plus Allowance and the fact that I could have anything I wanted, I just needed to watch my portions.
I'm very happy with the last eight weeks and I attribute the success to meetings, journaling, good health guidelines and activity.  I never missed a meeting, journaled everyday, regularly accomplished the good health guidelines and stepped up my activity.  Ever since my health issues, activity has been minimal.  However, I have worked extremely hard to pick it up, and have been going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week.  I try to take our Great Dane, Abby, for a walk most days.  She really likes it, and loves going to our beautiful park.  I've enjoyed running again although not outside due to the weather but on the treadmill and look forward to participating in a 5k and working my way back to a half marathon.  Don't let the weather stop you from exercising there are a lot of things you can do inside to move more, the following is a great 15 minute routine you can do inside that is equivalent to walking a mile.  Turn on some music and then do the following:
2 minutes Marching in place
3 minutes Side stepping
1 minute Marching in place
3 minutes Knee lifts
1 minute Marching in place
3 minutes Kicks
2 minutes Marching in place
This Sunday is the Super Bowl, if you are going to a party don't go hungry, bring something that you like to eat or snack on and works for you--and drink, drink, drink, your favorite non caloric drink that is.  Enjoy the game and the commercials.  Go 49er's
I bought this product at the market last week and then today there was a $1.00 coupon in the Weight Watchers Weekly this week, it was tender, juicy and portioned.
15 - 2 oz Tenders, only 1 point each
A few pictures of our park, it was 74 degrees Monday so we took advantage of it.

It's about 3/4 of a mile walk around the lake

 Lots of ducks and swans in the lake,
Jan brings bread to feed them
 Running in the park with Abby
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How Did I Get Here - Part 4

Life after Retirement
I retired March 31, 2012 which seemed to surprise a lot of people, but when you look back it really shouldn't of been such a surprise.  First, having a pacemaker implanted to keep the old ticker ticking, second--a couple of unplanned surgeries and lastly the Las Vegas economy and housing market.  However, where were we going to retire with limited retirement income?  We visited my brother who lives in Missouri in November 2011, and on our way home determined that we could retire there as the cost of living was so much better for our situation.  Was it meant to be?  I think so.  The next week we looked at pictures of a home on the internet, made an offer, and closed escrow in 21 days.  We now live in a beautiful little town, Bolivar Missouri, population 10,000.  After you go through the two street lights you have just driven from one end of the town to the other.  Jan moved to our new home in January 2012 and I followed her in April.

The last six weeks before my official retirement was filled with food, food and more food.  Friends kept wanting to take me out for lunch or dinner, and members loaded me up with all of my favorites.  By the time I was ready to pack up for my drive to Missouri I had:  4 boxes of chocolate Cheerios, 3 boxes of Kellogg's Cracker Chips, 6 boxes of Skinny Cow chocolates, 27 packs of key lime pie Extra chewing gum and every size, shape and color Peep that when stacked on top of each other was over 5 feet tall.  Needless to say I left for Missouri 7 pounds over my weight goal but I wasn't worried I knew what to do about it.

Knowing what to do about it, and doing it are two different things.  When I arrived in Missouri I did three things, first, got active in church and have made some great friends.  I was convinced to join the choir and to my surprise I am enjoying it.  Second, started volunteering for an organization called Horses of Hope where young and old from 6 to 92 with physical and or mental disabilities are able to ride horses, the smiles on their faces are so gratifying,  Third, I stopped journaling and going to my Weight Watchers meeting.  I was over my weight goal but I wasn't worried about it I knew what to do.  Over the next 8 months I stopped running, I ate everything in sight (mid-west food is pretty good), I had to purchase some bigger clothes.  I was over my weight goal but I wasn't worried about it I knew what to do.  In late November we had our Christmas parade here in town, something I had never experienced, lots of tractors, homemade floats (flatbed trailers) and just about every business and organization represented in some way.  I marched in the parade representing Horses of Hope, Jan was on the sidelines taking pictures, which she posted some of them on Facebook.  There were lots of comments made on Facebook but one really hit home "Bob, it looks like your putting some weight on," thanks Joan that really hit home.  I was over my weight goal I was worried about it and I knew what to do.  The next week I went back to Weight Watchers, 30 pounds over goal, I could no longer make excuses, reality set in with Joan's comment.
You can not do it alone - Tool #1 WW Meetings

Next weeks post will be the start of my Journey Back to Goal.
Walking in the Christmas parade
Jan and our son David at the parade

Spending time with David while he was visiting
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How Did I Get Here - Part 3

Life after Lifetime
Well I lost those 76.2 pounds and achieved my lifetime goal with Weight Watchers, I continued going to meetings and expressed a desire to become a Weight Watchers Leader as I had a sincere desire to give something back.  I was told that in order to become a leader I would first have to be a receptionist so I applied and I called, and called, and called. Finally I was invited to a meeting to discuss the receptionists training.  I think they got tired of my phone calls, hence the invite.  I completed my training and was assigned various meetings to work.  What a great feeling working with other lifetime members and interfacing with members working on there goal. After a few months I figured it was time to question when I could become a leader, and was told that there was no leader training scheduled and to just keep checking in.  So I did, month after month, guess what, finally leader training and an invite to attend.  It goes to show if you want something bad enough, don't give up, the squeaky wheel will finally get greased.  I completed leader training, and was assigned a few meetings, one at a center and two at-work meetings.  Before long I was facilitating twelve to thirteen meetings.  I couldn't get enough, helping members conquer what I had accomplished, and helping to change lives.  A year later I inquired as to becoming a career leader (full time leader) and was told that they would gladly welcome me to that position.  I was truly moved, as there were only two other career leaders out of the entire staff.
A few of the accomplishments that I achieved during my nine year career with Weight Watchers are:
  • Led nearly 8,000 meetings
  • Led 23 meetings a week for a while
  • Over 300 members achieved their lifetime goal
  • Members lost over 250,000 pounds

As I mentioned before, I couldn't get enough, or do enough, and I loved challenges from members.  I want to share one specific challenge will you.  Most of you know that my form of recreation was riding and showing my horses, however at one of my meetings a member, Nouri, challenged me to train and run the Rock and Roll Half Marathon with her, not knowing how to get out of it gracefully I told her I would let her know the next week after I discussed it with my wife.  Now the object of that was to tell her that she didn't think it was a good idea, but when I mentioned it to my wife she said "what a great idea, I will be standing at the finish line waiting for you."  So the next week I had no choice but to tell Nouri that I would do it.  I went from the couch to the half marathon in 16 weeks.  I wanted to do it right so Nouri referred me to a master shoe fitter for my shoes.  I joined her running organization (Rockin Runners).  I listened to the coach (Cynthia) enthusiastically and did everything I was told to do.  I remember crossing the finish line putting the medal around my neck, my wife giving me a hug and telling me how proud she was of me and that feeling of accomplishment that came over me.  It reminded me of how I felt when I reached my lifetime goal--I can accomplish anything I set out to do, nothing is impossible.  In both cases I did it right by having the right tools and following instructions, and doing everything I was told to do.  By the way I enjoy running and have ran several half marathons since, thank you Nouri.

I retired from Weight Watchers on March 31, 2012 and my next post will be, Life after Retirement.  In a few weeks we will be current with How Did I get Here and at that time I will start sharing some of my favorite foods and recipes with you.

Just keep telling yourself the following:

  • I can achieve my goal
  • I will achieve my goal
  • I deserve to achieve my goal

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If you want to receive my post automatically each week, make sure you sign up at the bottom of this post.

Enjoying lifetime on a cruise
Enjoying lifetime on my horse
Enjoying lifetime running
Enjoying lifetime on a zipline
Two belts, the one on the outside was my belt when I started Weight Watchers, the one on the inside is my belt when I reached my lifetime goal, 9 inches smaller

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How Did I Get Here - Part 2

Remember this is a work in progress and the format may change from time to time, the subscribe and comment areas are now working properly, please let me know if you are having problems anywhere else so I can correct them. 

I talk a lot about Weight Watchers because that is what I am most familiar with, however, I am not affiliated nor licensed in any manner with Weight Watchers.  When I share some of my favorite recipes or foods I will not be giving you the points plus values unless they are stated on the food packaging, but will be giving you the necessary information to calculate them yourselves.
The story behind the 76.2 pounds begins like this.  I went ahead and joined Weight Watchers, it didn't appear to be to difficult as long as I was willing to make the commitment and since my doctor had just told me again "lose weight now as you are killing yourself",  I made the commitment.  I didn't get on the scale that first week and was pleasantly surprised when I lost 13 pounds the first week, my mind was spinning, this is a piece of cake, no pun intended, I'll be done with this in 6 weeks at 13 pounds a week.  WOW little did I know.  However I did receive my lifetime  in eight months and when I returned to the doctor he informed me that my lab work and blood pressure was normal and he took me off of all my medications.

I'm not going to tell you that it was easy, it wasn't, there were plenty of ups and downs.  Every time I fell down I got back up and started again, I didn't dwell on it, that was a big part of my success. 

Some people thought that I worked the program perfectly because of the quick weight loss, not so, and I want to share one of my downs with you.  It was the holiday season and my wife was not home, a neighbor knocked on the door and presented my with a platter of holiday cookies,  I thanked her and went and placed them in the kitchen and went back upstairs to do some work, about 30 minutes went by and I went down to the kitchen to get some water and while there I looked at those cookies and thought, just one, I ate it so fast I didn't even taste it, so I decided to eat another, boy was it good!  I went back upstairs and continued thinking about those cookies, I wondered how many different kind there were so I went back to the kitchen to check that out, and to my surprise there were 12 different kinds.  I thought they would all taste just a little different so I had one of each kind, wow were they good, now looking at the platter there were still a lot of cookies on it and I thought to myself, what the heck I might as well go for it and I ate one more of each kind.  Next thing you know I'm staring at a platter with only one cookie left on it, I heard the garage door opening and quickly wrapped that one cookie up and when my wife came in I showed her the cookie our neighbor brought over for her, by the way I didn't get away with it.  The important part about this story is that I didn't beat myself up I just took a deep breath wrote them down in my journal, moved forward and went to my meeting the next day, that was one of my ups.

Remember, when you journal, write everything down even your BLT's (bites, licks and tastes) the accountability of journaling will surprise the heck out of you, and of course attend your meetings.  -Journaling + Meetings = Success-

Weight Watchers it's not a diet, it's a liveit

Enjoying the jacuzzi the day before I joined Weight Watchers
40 pounds down and Jan said buy some new clothes, you look like a rodeo clown
Next segment, Life after Lifetime

Thursday, January 3, 2013

How Did I Get Here - Part 1

I wanted to share with everyone why I chose to be healthy, I will be doing that in segments to get caught up to today and while I'm doing this I will also share with you some of my favorite recipes and foods.  I'm going to try to give you an update on a regular basis, so if you want to get them automatically make sure and subscribe below.  My goal in doing this is to hopefully help you choose a healthy lifestyle or maintain the one you have.

About 13 years ago I went to the doctor as I wasn't feeling good so he did a complete physical and blood work up and on my return for the follow up he told me that my cholesterol was 495, triglycerides were 1,960 and that my blood pressure was extremely high.  He promptly put me on 9 different medications and vitamins and told me to loose weight immediately so I tried several different ways to loose weight including a soup diet, cabbage diet, chocolate diet (that was fun), high carb diet, low or no carb diet, I even drank a special liquid program before I went to sleep and was suppose to loose weight while I slept.  Now I must tell you that I lost weight with them, some more than others, but when I started eating normal again all my weight came back if not more as I did nothing to really change my lifestyle,  After a couple years of yo-yo dieting my wife Jan ( a Weight Watchers lifetime member) saw how frustrated I was and said to me "come join Weight Watchers", that was my life changing moment, I did and I discarded 76.2 pounds.

Next segment, the story of those 76.2 pounds.

Vacationing in France working hard to get those unbelievably high lab results.  I ate my way through Europe.

DIET, a nasty four letter word