Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How Did I Get Here - Part 2

Remember this is a work in progress and the format may change from time to time, the subscribe and comment areas are now working properly, please let me know if you are having problems anywhere else so I can correct them. 

I talk a lot about Weight Watchers because that is what I am most familiar with, however, I am not affiliated nor licensed in any manner with Weight Watchers.  When I share some of my favorite recipes or foods I will not be giving you the points plus values unless they are stated on the food packaging, but will be giving you the necessary information to calculate them yourselves.
The story behind the 76.2 pounds begins like this.  I went ahead and joined Weight Watchers, it didn't appear to be to difficult as long as I was willing to make the commitment and since my doctor had just told me again "lose weight now as you are killing yourself",  I made the commitment.  I didn't get on the scale that first week and was pleasantly surprised when I lost 13 pounds the first week, my mind was spinning, this is a piece of cake, no pun intended, I'll be done with this in 6 weeks at 13 pounds a week.  WOW little did I know.  However I did receive my lifetime  in eight months and when I returned to the doctor he informed me that my lab work and blood pressure was normal and he took me off of all my medications.

I'm not going to tell you that it was easy, it wasn't, there were plenty of ups and downs.  Every time I fell down I got back up and started again, I didn't dwell on it, that was a big part of my success. 

Some people thought that I worked the program perfectly because of the quick weight loss, not so, and I want to share one of my downs with you.  It was the holiday season and my wife was not home, a neighbor knocked on the door and presented my with a platter of holiday cookies,  I thanked her and went and placed them in the kitchen and went back upstairs to do some work, about 30 minutes went by and I went down to the kitchen to get some water and while there I looked at those cookies and thought, just one, I ate it so fast I didn't even taste it, so I decided to eat another, boy was it good!  I went back upstairs and continued thinking about those cookies, I wondered how many different kind there were so I went back to the kitchen to check that out, and to my surprise there were 12 different kinds.  I thought they would all taste just a little different so I had one of each kind, wow were they good, now looking at the platter there were still a lot of cookies on it and I thought to myself, what the heck I might as well go for it and I ate one more of each kind.  Next thing you know I'm staring at a platter with only one cookie left on it, I heard the garage door opening and quickly wrapped that one cookie up and when my wife came in I showed her the cookie our neighbor brought over for her, by the way I didn't get away with it.  The important part about this story is that I didn't beat myself up I just took a deep breath wrote them down in my journal, moved forward and went to my meeting the next day, that was one of my ups.

Remember, when you journal, write everything down even your BLT's (bites, licks and tastes) the accountability of journaling will surprise the heck out of you, and of course attend your meetings.  -Journaling + Meetings = Success-

Weight Watchers it's not a diet, it's a liveit

Enjoying the jacuzzi the day before I joined Weight Watchers
40 pounds down and Jan said buy some new clothes, you look like a rodeo clown
Next segment, Life after Lifetime

1 comment:

  1. The self driven creativity of every individual needs motivation & determination to achieve the goals one sets for themselves. Temptation will always exist, but you seem to have a sincere grasp on reality. Sharing your struggles, display the great human qualities you possess! With sincere appreciation, I look forward to reading more of your journey to a healthy, happier Bob!
